Daily Grace, Presence

Walking by the Train Tracks

June 15, 2020

This train passed us on our walk. Forgive me if the graffiti offends. I’m not even sure what it says.

Whenever my kids and I are out for a walk around the cemetery loop, and we are on the part which parallels the railroad tracks, sometimes we are lucky enough to have a train go by. Always when this happens, if the train is close, I stop my walking and stand by the tracks and listen as the train slowly chug chug chugs up the hill. I wait, and I wait, and then I wave to the engineer, like I’ve seven-years-old again. Sometimes he sees me. Sometimes he doesn’t. I’m always crazy happy if he waves.

My mom sometimes told a story about how I used to scream and fuss when I was little, not much older than a toddler, when we were out in the car and a train would pass by.  Apparently, I cried because I desperately wanted to go for a ride. Once when I was in the back seat with my sweet grandpa, he saw a train coming before I did (much to the relief of all the adults in the car), and he did his best to distract me before I even noticed it.  I think I actually might remember this. Or maybe I just heard the story so many times that I created the memory?

“Look, Robin! Look over there!” he said, and I turned and looked out his window as the train passed by on the other side.

These days, I pause and watch as the train rumbles by.  That’s one good thing about being a grown up, I guess. No one to distract you, to make you look the other way. My kids and I were out on a walk today, and a train went by, and I stopped in the sun and waved, and the engineer had his window open, and he waved back.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Laurel Mathe June 16, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    What a lovely moment you captured!

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